Wednesday, March 10, 2010

BattleField BadCompany II (PS3)

Have you ever gotten so annoyed that snipers are camping in a building and there's nothing you can do about it? Well why not just call and air strike and destroy that building? cant do that? then you sir/ma'am, need to get your hands on a copy of
Battle Field Bad Company II.

Graphically BFBC II is beautiful and stunning, walking through water, or perhaps your just enjoying the view as you get blasted in the air. With the fully destructible Buildings and environments, you pretty much have no choice but to explore and create your own routes. Feel like taking down a building and hiding in the remnants of whats left? sure go for it!

Single player is fun and funny. the added humor in it is just wonderful, the banter between your squad mates is great. not to mention the bashing on modern warfare 2 ;]
not gonna tell you, you'll have to play it for your self!

As far as online play goes, i've barely played an hour of it but i enjoyed every bit of it. From the three modes that are play able i favored the squad death match, it pins you and 3 others against 3 other squads with 4 people in each. with random spawns its always constant chaos, not to mention who ever grabs the tank becomes prime target so you can sneak some kills in while they are trying to take out the tank.

There are 4 main classes, Assault, Engineer, Medic, and Recon. The names pretty much explain them selves. As you play with each class you gain points for them which unlocks weapons, add ons, perks and other valuable items and weapons. But through your over all rank you can unlock weapons that can be used by every class, unlocked the shotgun? go ahead be a recon class and run around with it! I encourage it!

All that being said I do feel that BFBC II will give Modern Warfare 2 a run for its money. For avid shooter fans i do suggest that you pick this up! even if its just to rent, be worth every penny.
Till next time! Josh Out!

add me on psn! ActionBasterdMan

Coming very soon, Final Fantasy 13 Review

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